Blue Horizon Hotel Hotel i Bridgetown

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Cot Road, 15137, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-435-8916
Latitude: 13.0741579, Longitude: -59.5877634
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Kommentar 5

  • Wendy Hernandez

    Wendy Hernandez


    The room is nice and comfy. Lots of amenities such as a fridge, drawer, tv, iron etc.. they clean your room everyday. Close to Accra Beach, which is gorgeous. My only issue was their breakfast, which was tasteless.

  • DAVOR dadić

    DAVOR dadić


    Super hotel

  • Tia Standard

    Tia Standard


    They make you feel at home. My family comes here at least once a year and staff remembers us.

  • Andy Smith

    Andy Smith


    Great rooms. With kitchen and ice already made in the freezer. Great pool. Contential breakfast is sparse. We ordered a full breakfast... Good, but expensive. Beach is just across the street. Walking distance to many restaurants & shops.

  • Chris Cowley

    Chris Cowley


    Hard to fault at the price. I had a the superior king room. Bed is large and comfortable, aircon is great and the room is pretty well decked out. The kitchen is small but good (has a couple of pots and a pan) if you don't want to go out for every meal. It is also opposite one of the best beaches in Barbados. Lots of good local restaurants nearby and a bank less than 5 mins away if you need to get any cash out.

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