Caribound Ltd. i Prospect

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Summerland House, Prospect Road, St. James, Prospect, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-425-8664
Latitude: 13.143065, Longitude: -59.637027
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Kommentar 5

  • Places We Go

    Places We Go


    The experience we had with Caribound and our stay @ Seaforth Villa on Worthing Beach was exceptional. Not a single complaint about the logistics of getting to the villa, the response times, the room conditions and the cleanliness of the house. They certainly ease your mind once you arrive and can leave the worry of any potential hiccups behind you. In my opinion, that sort of "first impression" hospitality opens the door for a good time.

  • love Lee

    love Lee


    They cancelled my booking a day before I was to arrive because they didn't have an available villa. Which was odd because I booked the villa two months in advance. I had to cancel my trip because I could not find another place to stay with such short notice. $650 for my flight went down the drain.

  • Lia Williams

    Lia Williams


    My sisters and I love and adore this beach house. We have stayed here twice already and plan to visit in the future. It's beautiful, spacious and peaceful. If you just want the ocean and relaxation this is a perfect choice.

  • kishandra hall

    kishandra hall


    Stayed at 303 Oceans Drive along Dover Beach. Celebrated my bachelorette during Crop Over. The condo was PERFECT. 3 bedroom 3 bathroom, private beach clean and the host was so accommodating. This spot exceeded our expectation and made this trip unforgettable. I may not get this suit again unless I can fill it up with 8 girls again, but this is the only place I’ll stay at when visiting Barbados. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

  • Vasco de Castro

    Vasco de Castro


    My experience was excellent from the start: the team at Caribound is extremely helpful and friendly. They found us a perfect holiday home for our visit to Barbados. The key was waiting for us with the porter and the apartment was impeccable: clean, tidy and with all the instructions and suggestions required to make our stay perfect. I can strongly recommend them.

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