Kirke nær ved 13.109246, -59.61107

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Lokal tid:

Lighthouse Chapel International - Barbados

Howards Supermarket Complex, Bridgetown
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All Souls Church

Lower Bank Hall Main Road, Bridgetown
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St. Michael Anglican Cathedral

Saint Michael Row, Bridgetown
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Saint Patrick's Roman Catholic Cathedral

Bay Street, Bridgetown
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Anglican Diocese of Barbados

Henys Lane, Bridgetown
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Saint Leonard's Anglican Church

Saint Leonards Avenue, Bridgetown
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Breath of Life Seventh day Adventist Church

White Hall Main Road
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The Cathedral Church of Saint Michaels and All Angels

St. Michael's Row, Bridgetown
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Mayer's Road Pentecostal Lighthouse

Mayer's Road, My Lord's Hill
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Bethel Methodist Church

Highway 7, Bridgetown
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Abundant Life Assembly

Lower Bank Hall Main Road, Bridgetown
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Bank Hall Methodist Church

Mansion Road, Bridgetown
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Palace Of Prayer

Roebuck Street, Bridgetown
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Hindsbury Road Church of Christ

Harmony Road, Bridgetown
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King Street SDA Church

King Street, Bridgetown
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Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses

Accommodation Road, Bridgetown
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Harvest Bible Chapel Barbados

Goodland Road, Bridgetown
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Shalem Evangelical Church

Bush Hall Yard Gap, Bridgetown
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The James Street Methodist Church

James Street, Bridgetown
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Lighthouse Chapel International - Bridgetown Branch

Barbados Table Tennis Centre, Nursery Drive, Bridgetown
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