Dover Beach Hotel BB

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Saint Lawrence Gap, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-428-8076
Latitude: 13.0644488, Longitude: -59.5647418
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Kommentar 5

  • Janice Camps

    Janice Camps


    Had a very nice stay. Staff very friendly and helpful.bedroom very comfortable. Loved pool An breakfast. Maria is a model.staff an very helpful nice an friendly other breakfast staff too.

  • James Wilding

    James Wilding


    Nice clear hotel, staff were friendly and helpful has a small private bar and restaurant which offer reasonably priced drinks and food. Pleasent swimming pool and a small gym. Has a small public beach next door and it located a few minutes walk from bars, beaches and restaurants.

  • John Mulrenan

    John Mulrenan


    Great location. Nice staff. Very reasonable priced. Not too fancy.

  • Ahkeens Broomes

    Ahkeens Broomes


    Rooms are very cozy and views from the rooms are great. The one restaurant has is very good small menu with simple meals and the food is quite delicious. Do the gym downstairs is small and everything you need for a nice guy workout. This hotel is for anyone looking for somewhere low key quiet and just want to get away from the hustle and bustle.

  • Lukas Kruschenski

    Lukas Kruschenski


    Sehr gute Lage und anständige Zimmer, jedoch habe ich mich zu keinem Zeitpunkt sicher und wohl gefühlt.

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