Harbour Lights Carlisle Bay i Bridgetown

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Bay Street, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-436-7225
Hjemmeside: www.harbourlightsbarbados.com
Latitude: 13.0899452, Longitude: -59.6091643
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Kommentar 5

  • Asheena Marques

    Asheena Marques


    Their selection of vegetarian options are tasty and on point, plus their prices are really reasonable.

  • Alex P.

    Alex P.


    Amazing beach and unbelievable ocean! Amazing underwater experience where you can swim with sea turtles and stingrays

  • Kay H

    Kay H


    Good fun show..delish food...thanks Beulah for the recommend!

  • Jayne Sutton

    Jayne Sutton


    Amazing place with friendly helpful staff and mouth watering food.

  • Vincent Allard

    Vincent Allard


    Total tourist trap.... We were told it was a dinner show that takes you through the islands cultural history. In actuality the show was a band that played cover songs of American pop and a few reggae hits. Oh and a woman limbo's for a minute a guy eats some fire (pretty cool) and dancers come out sporadically for a few minutes. That being said the food was good and open bar doesn't hurt, and the band sounded good; but for the price we paid and what we were told it was, I think I would have passed on it.

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