Harmony General Insurance i Bridgetown

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Harmony Road, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-430-2000
Hjemmeside: www.harmonygeneral.com
Latitude: 13.1031553, Longitude: -59.606913
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Kommentar 5

  • Lisa R Bishop

    Lisa R Bishop


    Aways great service

  • Ian Bourne

    Ian Bourne


    Staff are helpful, especially if the policy lapsed without your knowing. Plus if you're a member of BARP you get a discount that stays each year! Only thing is I wish they had credit card calendars or almanac, that's very essential and convenient for me to do on the spot long term planning. As a journalist, that's crucial!

  • Lawrence Harris

    Lawrence Harris



  • Chris Harrison

    Chris Harrison


    Great Car Insurance and good rates. Very good service

  • liz peters

    liz peters


    Always great service

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