Rest Haven Beach Cottages i Bathsheba

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Bathsheba, BB21054, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-247-0069
Latitude: 13.2122996, Longitude: -59.5198167
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Kommentar 3

  • Ed P

    Ed P


    Our stay at Rest haven was brilliant. We spent one week here and it was a great base to explore Barbados. The accommodation is basic but clean and comfy. There is the stunning beach and coastline directly opposite which is ideal for exploring and hiking the local trails. This side of Barbados coastline is quite rugged and although not ideal for swimming, while we were there we did meet some world class surfers. Regular beaches ( and there are plenty to choose from ) were a short drive away. There are a few local bars to eat and drink at which were all delicious. We enjoyed cooking in our home at night and eating on the terrace with a cold beer and a rum listening to the waves roll in and looking at the stars. Fitz the owner is an incredibly warm and genuine host with lots of tips and great chat. He is to be commended. If your stay is about getting away from the tourist traps, generic hotels and $40 linguini then stay here. This is where Mick Jagger would escape to and shack up with Jerry Hall after all, so you can’t go wrong with that !

  • Ryan Browne

    Ryan Browne


    Nice nice luv it peaceful and quiet

  • Jennifer Fannin

    Jennifer Fannin


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