Stiletto Catamaran Sailing Cruises i Bridgetown

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The Wharf Road, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-231-1234
Latitude: 13.0964532, Longitude: -59.6142896
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Kommentar 5

  • Paul McDonald

    Paul McDonald


    We walked on without a reservation. Captain Sheldon and his crew of Eric and Randall were not only friendly and hospitable, they were helpful. Captain Sheldon actually got into the water at the snorkeling site and helped a young lady that couldn't swim, enjoy the experience as everyone else was, by putting her on a float and towing her around with the group. (I thought that was amazing) The crew were interacting with all the guests and were actually very entertaining. Randall got into a lifebouy and led the group around the snorkeling sites, throwing crackers in the water just ahead of us so there was never a shortage of fish or turtles. We stopped for a delicious lunch of fish, chicken, rice, salads and a fantastic thing called macaroni pie. Eric brought around trays of banana bread and coconut bread (wow was that good) All in all a wonderful time. Highly recommended.

  • Tom Bienkowski

    Tom Bienkowski


    Great captain and one man crew (Eric). Great service, great dive site, awesome scenery.

  • Cathy winter

    Cathy winter


  • Ulrike Schult

    Ulrike Schult


    Such a wonderful trip with a great captain (Graham) and very attentive crew members (2 x Shawn). Tasty food and good fun. I can fully recommend it. They are the best.

  • Hussein Brewster

    Hussein Brewster


    Local cruising around the island to nearby wreckage sites to feed and swim with the turtles. Enjoy a tan or shade and enjoy the cool breezes with a briskly cold one. A professionally safe, informative and jovial captain and crew looking after all your needs. Drinks, snacks, sumptuous lunch numerous places to stop and swim. Great experience!!

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