The Combermere School i Bridgetown

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Bridgetown, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-434-7021
Latitude: 13.1171709, Longitude: -59.6020505
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Kommentar 5

  • sonia jules

    sonia jules


    Up de ting

  • Shamar Yarde

    Shamar Yarde


    The environment was clean when I was there. There was a variety of extra-curriculum activities to choose from when I was there. The lunches were affordable, but were fast food. Most teachers were passionate about what they teach. Some were skilled at teaching and very knowledgeable of the subject they teach. Some teachers have what appeared to be an attitudinal problem. This could have been because they deal with students all the time, and may have had to use a strict approach to get results. Teachers also made an effort to prepare you for university life progressively. There is a very strong camaraderie that is promoted by the staff and students which lasts post graduation.

  • Necole Wickham-Maynard

    Necole Wickham-Maynard


    Attended the semifinals, great auditorium

  • Patrica Turney

    Patrica Turney


    It is an amazing school and the children there are well bahaved

  • Breanna Husbands

    Breanna Husbands


    Good school. Good education. Good extra curriculum activities. The school is ellecent

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