The Lion at Gun Hill i Gun Hill

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Fusilier Road, Gun Hill, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 909-242-1084
Latitude: 13.1427166, Longitude: -59.5573139
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Kommentar 5

  • Russell Hunte

    Russell Hunte


    Hard concrete and stone. Very durable but kind lion.does not bite.

  • Barry Gale

    Barry Gale


    An interesting piece of Barbados History in relation to the British Regiments formerly stationed here, well detailed at the base of the lion... worth a photo with the kids but not necessarily a "must do" if you only have a short time on the island.

  • colin alleyne

    colin alleyne


    Historic Place where a lion that was on the run and was taken down .then may a concrete statute of the lion

  • Ainsley Carter

    Ainsley Carter


    Great tourist destination the parish of St George Barbados

  • Annette Nieves

    Annette Nieves


    Very cool site. A Solider carved out the lion out of coral stone.

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