A1 Supermarkets - Carlton i Bridgetown

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Bridgetown, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-417-7675
Hjemmeside: aonesupermarkets.com
Latitude: 13.1235363, Longitude: -59.6245079
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Kommentar 5

  • Shane Agard

    Shane Agard


    The male supervisors are extremely helpful. The supermarket is a completely different place when they are not there. No carts are cluttered by the cashier and the lines are hardly every long. Quite the opposite other times. The prices are higher than others, but the service and convenience quite make up for it in a pinch.

  • Hal Jones

    Hal Jones


    However you need to sell fresh Turkey parts. I still have to go to another supermarket to complete my shopping for the week

  • Karen Austin

    Karen Austin


    Clean and we'll presented produce. I can even afford to buy Brussels sprouts as they are placed in all packages. Veggies and salads are wonderfully displayed.

  • Anthony Holder

    Anthony Holder


    Carlton is way about service excellence in every area. Product selection, great advice from staff on products, the food court n the food especially the chicken pasta is great n the plant is well hought out. I just love my Carlton Supermarket.




    Well this is an excellent supermarket. Best products u can find. Customer service is great. I had one problem there, I paid with U.S. currency n it had a little pen mark n they won't take it. They stated that the central bank of Barbados do no accept monies with any marks or scratch.

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