Blue Horizon Hotel i Bridgetown

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Cot Road, 15137, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-435-8916
Latitude: 13.0741579, Longitude: -59.5877634
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Kommentar 5

  • Wendy Hernandez

    Wendy Hernandez


    The room is nice and comfy. Lots of amenities such as a fridge, drawer, tv, iron etc.. they clean your room everyday. Close to Accra Beach, which is gorgeous. My only issue was their breakfast, which was tasteless.

  • Tia Standard

    Tia Standard


    They make you feel at home. My family comes here at least once a year and staff remembers us.

  • Andy Smith

    Andy Smith


    Great rooms. With kitchen and ice already made in the freezer. Great pool. Contential breakfast is sparse. We ordered a full breakfast... Good, but expensive. Beach is just across the street. Walking distance to many restaurants & shops.

  • Chris Cowley

    Chris Cowley


    Hard to fault at the price. I had a the superior king room. Bed is large and comfortable, aircon is great and the room is pretty well decked out. The kitchen is small but good (has a couple of pots and a pan) if you don't want to go out for every meal. It is also opposite one of the best beaches in Barbados. Lots of good local restaurants nearby and a bank less than 5 mins away if you need to get any cash out.

  • Nathaniel Madden Jr., MS

    Nathaniel Madden Jr., MS


    The first floor 1-bedroom suite is spacious and eemacculate. You could eat off.of the floors and patio. The staff are accommodating and respectful. Although the facility doesn't have an elevator, the concierge will adjust your reservation to meet your needs The beach is one block across H7 and has clean and has accommodating resources. This facility is one of the economical "gems of the Caribbean" This facility rivals any U.S. hotel between Maine and Florida. It is like a home away from home.

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