Brandons Beach i Saint Michael

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Brandons Beach, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1-246
Latitude: 13.1155576, Longitude: -59.6273557
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Kommentar 5

  • Victor Clarke

    Victor Clarke


    Great beach.

  • Pauline Polonis

    Pauline Polonis


    A great spot to enjoy the beach, get some walking done and relax

  • Shamar Yarde

    Shamar Yarde


    The environment is peaceful and cleaner than the other beaches I have been to. There are benches there if someone wanted to picnic there as well as shade by the benches. The beach had smooth waters when I was there. I've been here once. Some parts of the ocean are rocky, but these areas can be avoided. As the day progresses, more people arrive and the earlier ones usually don't leave until it is late. The beach is still roomy during this period. There are also bars nearby, but I was not a patron at any.

  • Jade Walters

    Jade Walters


    Nice beach, its a bit stoney so watch your feet in the water.

  • Corinne R

    Corinne R


    Just spent this afternoon here and it’s a stunningly beautiful beach, but everyone fails to mention how rocky it is. You have to work to find the sandbars as you swim out, so water shoes would be ideal. And getting in and out is a bit tricky too. The waves are fun but two of them came crashing down on me and all I could do was hang on to my glasses so I wouldn’t lose them. It’s fun to see all the little turtles poke their heads out of the water!

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