Bubba's Sports Bar i Bridgetown

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Bridgetown, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-435-8731
Hjemmeside: www.bubbassportsbar.net
Latitude: 13.0750165, Longitude: -59.5907503
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Kommentar 5

  • Mark Needham

    Mark Needham


    The burgers are not good. The meat looks and tastes like it came from a cheap frozen pack of burgers, the pickles were almost luminous and the flavour was gross. I never leave food (especially not a burger), but I couldn’t eat it - it had such a bad, gas like taste. My wife had the chicken burger and felt the exact same. The atmosphere is a bit dull and the bar is very dark and dreary, the air conditioning can be a bit too cold and the lighting makes it feel sterile. The furniture is dated and needs to be replaced. The staff were however friendly and helpful, so I can’t fault the service. The food however is not very good.

  • Emiliano Cuselli

    Emiliano Cuselli


    Good food, good service and cozy atmosphere.

  • Theresa Aspey

    Theresa Aspey


    Visited twice already to watch the football. Good vibe . Drinks sensibly priced for a captive audience. Only ate the pulled pork mini sandwiches as we just wanted a snack but they were very tasty and served in a reasonable time. Staff were attentive.

  • Nicholas McGeary

    Nicholas McGeary


    Not very satisfied with my service on my last visit. When I placed an order and they managed to get it wrong two times in a row. Also I was restricted to having some sort of potato with my burger and could only replace it with garden salad for additional $$. The burger was not quite what I expected, thought the onions and mushrooms would have been sauteed however they were cold and flavourless. In their defense I will admit after a second look at the menu before leaving it didn't specify sauteed. So that's a moot point. Outside those issues the place is clean and well kept although some of the TV screens could do with an upgrade.

  • Nikki Shelton

    Nikki Shelton


    The service at Bubba's was wonderful. I was treated like a valued customer, which was a nice departure from the less than stellar treatment at most other places in the area. The food was also great and the servers made sure I was satisfied with my meal.

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