Cave Shepherd Broad Street i Bridgetown

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10-14, Broad Street, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-629-4400
Latitude: 13.0976494, Longitude: -59.6152768
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Kommentar 5

  • Ray Restel

    Ray Restel


    This is a chain of stores that sell a variety of items and you will see Cave Shepherd all over the island of Barbados. Reputable retailer. Most stores are air conditioned.

  • Mikee Hunte

    Mikee Hunte


    Cave Shepherd is very diversed, offering their services to both locals and tourists. Equipped with efficient and polite staff that sees to your every need, not to mention recommendations to ensure the customer goes home happy. Even if it's just for a bite this mall surely won't disappoint !

  • Dominique Clement

    Dominique Clement


    One of the few or maybe only real department stores in Barbados. Generally great quality items ranging from clothes and perfumes to stationery to household items. A great place to pick up gifts for anyone and to find duty free items

  • Christina Power

    Christina Power


    Great selection of products - similar to an airport duty free. As far as delivery to the airport for alcohol read your receipt carefully to make sure it matches before you agree. As we ended up picking up 3 different bottle of rum and there was nothing we could do.

  • Amber Faria

    Amber Faria


    I honestly yes like this store, they just cater more to tourists then they do their own. I mean it's a wonderful place to go for food, and pay your bills, and even buy a few stuff.... but some of the workers I find they have this disrespectful attitude about them when they see or even speak to the locals that go to shop in this store... like the locals don't have money to buy and afford anything in this store.... now when I witness this is was just on my way to the food court and a lady saw me and just assumed I am a person who doesn't have money....assuming much, I told her you mustn't jump to conclusions about people you have no idea about.... I'm a tourist myself in this lovely country and because I have darker skin then the other tourist I'm not as they say welcomed and or needed in certain stores.... I hope my saying this doesn't stop others from going.... because it's quite a lovely store they just have some ways that really need to be dealt with...... employees....

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