CIBC First Caribbean Bank i Bridgetown

Åben kort
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Broad Street, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-367-2300
Latitude: 13.096985, Longitude: -59.6153764
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Kommentar 5

  • vance taylor

    vance taylor


    I have been a customer or 5 years at this branch and I went in there to use the ATM and had my bicycle with me , it was empty at the time and because my lock is a U lock and there is no bike poles outside I too my bike in its brand new and clean and I was in no-one way there are no signs to say NO BIKES . I was then attacked by 2 security guards ( maybe a black lash eh as I am white and Barbados people are mostly black ) Told to take t , i tried to explain it would SURELY BE STOLEN as that is favorite pass time of BAJANS . This is my bank I AM A CUSTOMER ! I got a nice Police Constable to watch it for me !!! YOU ARE A BUNCH OF IDIOTS AND RACISTS IN BARBADOS ! I have taken bikes into ATM rooms in Banks in Canada and some other-banks in Barbados no problem all these ignorant laws in Barbados such as no camouflage too! What an Ignorant country !

  • jAY jAY

    jAY jAY


    High fees but lots of locations

  • Anthony Goodridge

    Anthony Goodridge


  • Sebastien Pascal

    Sebastien Pascal


    Good service.

  • mary depeiza

    mary depeiza


    Long lines gave me a real ly hard time other branches are much better.

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