Clyde B. Jones Funeral Home i Bridgetown

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Rock Avenue, BB15027, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-428-9332
Latitude: 13.069508, Longitude: -59.566181
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Kommentar 5

  • C Bourne

    C Bourne


    The Bourne Family would like to say a sincere Thank You to David Heeralal and the entire Clyde B Jones Funeral Home team. We truly appreciated your personal touch and professionalism which ensured that all of the arrangements for our loved one went smoothly.

  • Wayne Broomes

    Wayne Broomes


    A family atmosphere, professional service and the best at what they do.

  • Alicia Bostic

    Alicia Bostic


    Recently used the limo service for my daughter's birthday. Firstly let me say the limo was on time and the driver was very pleasant. she said the drive was great and he convers with them. Thank you for such an excellent service.

  • David Heeralal

    David Heeralal


    We rented this limo service for my birthday. It was courteous, punctual, professional, clean, very informative about the area were visiting, very nice sound system if you're into music. I would recommend.

  • Kayla Gill

    Kayla Gill


    The funeral home assisted me with flowers for a friend of mine who passed away and they were very beautiful. Thanks again.

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