Coral Mist Beach Hotel i Bridgetown

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Highway 7, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-435-7712
Latitude: 13.0718705, Longitude: -59.5853841
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Kommentar 5

  • Stefan Trotman

    Stefan Trotman


    Had a great week long stay at Coral Mist. Friendly staff made sure we felt at home during our vacation and were quick to resolve any issues we had. Room service was timely and certain to be taken care of during the allotted and specified time ranges. My only gripe and this is entirely personal is that while the WiFi was solid as far as speed goes, the range didn’t extend to rooms on the road side of the hotel and was strongest near the beach rooms. Great food and extremely reasonable prices at the in house restaurant on top of everything else I’ve mentioned make this an easy recommendation for locals and foreign alike.

  • Donna Knight

    Donna Knight


    Clean rooms and friendly, helpful staff.

  • Tony Maxwell Hatt

    Tony Maxwell Hatt


    Luckily we only had to deal with the Coral Mist Beach hotel receptionist just once. What a rude presumptuous person. And even more luckily we stayed next door at the adjoining sister hotel Blue Orchid, what a lovely, friendly and helpful receptionist, including other staff members. The five stars for the Blue Orchid receptionist. Will stay there again.




    Great hotel centrally located. Great staff . Room was quaint and super clean. I would stay here again without a second thought.

  • Peter Ponic

    Peter Ponic


    Velmi priemne miesto, kludne na oddych viac menej bez turistou a velkeho hluku vln z mora. Personal priemny pohotovy.

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