Coral Reef Club i Holetown

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Highway 1, BB24017, Holetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-422-2372
Latitude: 13.1928969, Longitude: -59.6405217
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Kommentar 5

  • Alex Choy

    Alex Choy


    This is a lovely resort. All the good reviews are spot on regarding stay, staff and friendliness. Could do with a welcome basket in your room. No tea kettle however they will bring you coffee in the morning if you request it. Breakfast buffet is good although it’s the same everyday. I would have liked to order from a menu sometimes for variety. The evening BBQ was so expensive. But this is Barbados. Everything is expensive. Still it’s a very nice, beautiful resort on a beautiful beach with great snorkelling. We saw lots of monkeys, birds, a couple mongoose and many many fish... we would surely return.

  • Winston Evelyn

    Winston Evelyn


    It was great experience will definitely go again.

  • Mary Pope

    Mary Pope


    Most gracious and accomodating. Welcoming. Beautiful facilities and rooms. Outstanding cuisine. Gorgeous beaches. Excellent evening entertainment. Staff remembers our names and dining preferences within 24 hours. Can't compliment the Coral Reef enough. Just wonderful. An outstanding value.

  • G gremillion

    G gremillion


    We very much enjoyed our stay. The staff is lovely. Everything was perfect beginning to end.

  • Michelle Martin

    Michelle Martin


    What a magnificent spa experience. The attention to detail, the lush grounds, the transition spaces for guests to relax between services—everything exceeded expectations. True luxury.

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