Hunte's Gardens i Coffee Gully

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Highway 3A, Coffee Gully, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-433-3333
Latitude: 13.193479, Longitude: -59.551095
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Kommentar 5

  • Janet C

    Janet C


    Heaven on earth! Plan to spend several hours here soaking up the peaceful atmosphere. Tip: Pack a picnic, have some delicious Rum punch and don't forget to charge your camera batteries and clear off the memory card!

  • Danni Howe

    Danni Howe


    Hunte's Gardens is one of the highlights of our trip to Barbados 🇧🇧! It is absolutely gorgeous, magnificent and inspiring! It is not only the abundance of tropical species which make the gardens so unique but it is the garden design and the way the beauty of all these plants has been presented and enhanced. There are plenty of sheltered areas where you can sit and enjoy all the beauty that surrounds you. You can spot wildlife as well - humming birds, birdies and endemic lizards 🦎 which obviously adore to pose for photos. You can enjoy a cold drink in the cafe (wonderful interior design) and have a chat with the owner of this most magnificent place. There is one thing that I'd like to suggest. It will be a good idea if seats or benches were placed at the entrance /exit of the gardens. We had to wait for our taxi and there wasn't where to sit. At the same time inside the gardens there are so many chairs and benches of various designs. This is just a little tip.

  • Crystal Vejar

    Crystal Vejar


    Beautiful gardens! After the wonderful stroll, the very friendly owner, Anthony has a small "cafe" where I had some of the best carrot cake and rum I've had. Anthony makes sure to talk to everyone who stops by the cafe/gift shop, very welcoming and kind. Would definitely recommend to anyone visiting or living in Barbados.

  • Troy Davidson

    Troy Davidson


    The highlight of my trip to Barbados. Of all the islands I visited, this was the one spot I couldn't miss. I loved the gardens. It even rained while we were there and that made it even more awesome. Lush tropical rain forest. :D

  • Rosalind Whiteman

    Rosalind Whiteman


    I felt like I'd died and gone to heaven in this beautiful garden. I love drawing and watercolour painting and I could have stayed there from dawn to dusk as there was so much to see and such inspiration in the imaginative planting of Barbados's beautiful flowers and foliage plants and huge palm trees. To make it even more relaxing classical music was played at just the right sound level to make you feel totally relaxed. Could be a bit difficult getting around if you get puffed out easily as there are a lot of ups and downs and the paths are narrow. However there are little resting places dotted around to sit and enjoy the sights and sounds. I loved it and if I'm lucky enough to be able to go there again I will stay all day or even a few more days.

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