Andromeda Botanic Gardens i Bathsheba

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Off Highway 3, Bathsheba, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-433-9384
Latitude: 13.2070589, Longitude: -59.5184675
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Kommentar 5

  • Dental Engineers

    Dental Engineers


    This is a wonderful garden with lots to see and a very interesting/ inspiring history. I would recommend a visit to anyone.

  • Elaine Rampino

    Elaine Rampino


    Made it through the shorter route on crutches. Plenty of places to sit and rest. The heat almost did me in but the staff offered me a pitcher of water on my return. Nice staff.

  • Malina Craciun

    Malina Craciun


    I haven't visited the gardens inside, but I had the loveliest time at the coffee shop. Everything is in a colonial style and the coffe was really good. If you're Passionate about nature, you will have the chance to come back here for several times with the same ticket

  • Marco Alleyne

    Marco Alleyne


    I'd previously never thought of visiting this attraction due to the fact that I didn't think it would be for me... I like nature but didn't think that a botanical garden would be my thing but this past week, my outlook has completely changed! I had the opportunity to go visit with some friends and from the moment we arrived, I was VERY impressed. The lady at the desk is genuinely a most pleasant person and she was quite informative as we were about to head off on the tour through the garden. Fun fact: Your entry fee doesn't just give you access to the garden on that day only; you're allowed to return as many times as you like in 3 weeks from the date of your first visit! I took advantage of this by returning a couple days later and will also be returning in a few days. The tour itself is self-guided but there are directional arrows to help you along. There are nice areas for relaxing and for taking photos as well as ponds with koi for the kids to feed (they hand out fish food at the entrance to kids). Overall, it's a great place to spend an afternoon relaxing. Two things to note: (1)Wear comfortable shoes as it is a bit of a trek and the paths aren't perfectly paved. (2) It is a tropical garden and therefore the temperature and humidity can make it feel a bit warm. Bringing a bottle of water might not be a bad idea although there is a cafe on property where you can buy beer 😉

  • Gerd-Peter Kersten

    Gerd-Peter Kersten


    Mit Liebe angelegter und betreuter Garten. Wenn man es nicht eilig hat, kann man ca. 1h dort verbringen. Ein kleines Restaurant gibt es auch.

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