Kensington Oval i Bridgetown

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President Kennedy Drive, BB120004, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-537-1600
Latitude: 13.1049723, Longitude: -59.6224634
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Kommentar 5

  • Laurie Wallace

    Laurie Wallace


    The main cricket location in Barbados. Worth the visit if you are a cricket fan, you can get vonducted tours around. Its very popular when matches are on. It is very easy get to nut parking is a nitetmare so get thete early.

  • Raheem Nicholls

    Raheem Nicholls


    Each seat has a great view of the wicket. Great place to either watch cricket or watch shows. Awesome facilities

  • Leslie Layne

    Leslie Layne


    Good place to watch cricket n to hold parties and its on several bus routes

  • Yasmine Millington

    Yasmine Millington


    Currently at the 2018 Barbados Reggae Festival press launch. It is an awesome facility to use for an event. The team are friendly and can work with your budget in mind.

  • chris gibbins

    chris gibbins


    Really enjoyed the visit. Not particularly long, 30-45mins but Jenny our guide was very helpful and knowledgeable about the stadium. Visit included a small video presentation, a walk around the stands and across the 'hallowed' turf. A must do for fans of cricket.

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