PriceSmart i Saint Michael

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Highway 2, Saint Michael, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-417-6278
Latitude: 13.1395985, Longitude: -59.6075785
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Kommentar 5

  • Sa'id Abdul-Rahman

    Sa'id Abdul-Rahman


    Membership shopping. Quite a few bargains to be had when compared with the supermarkets. Lots of stuff from A to Z and a pretty good online presence.

  • Gary Smith

    Gary Smith


    PriceSmart is the Bajan version of Walmart. It is really a very good store and shopping experience. One Love

  • Edcarsil L. Boyce

    Edcarsil L. Boyce


    Prices could be better but the service quality and range of products are favourable.

  • Kathy Anne Haynes Wiggins

    Kathy Anne Haynes Wiggins


    Can be bett

  • Nicholas McGeary

    Nicholas McGeary


    Good product range and prices most of the time. Sometimes one can find a better deal somewhere else for certain products. The store is always clean and spacious enough to accommodate the crowds at peak times.

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