R.A. Mapp i Bridgetown

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Highway 2, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-426-5953
Hjemmeside: m.facebook.com
Latitude: 13.1132424, Longitude: -59.6149526
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Kommentar 5

  • Anthony Harris

    Anthony Harris


    One of The Best Places For Rotisserie Chicken In Barbados

  • Curtis Greaves

    Curtis Greaves


    Only problem with Mapps is sometimes the wait is long. 30mins +. But the chicken is always on point, and that sauce 😍

  • Anderson.C Greaves

    Anderson.C Greaves


    It's the #1 food spot with a great atmosphere

  • Sam Hinds

    Sam Hinds


    Great tasting food. However, look out for long lines during the weekend. Also, the prices have gone up but based on economics, that was to be expected. Worth the visit and I would advise to call ahead and place your order to cut down on the wait time.

  • Ahkeens Broomes

    Ahkeens Broomes


    This chicken is yummy. If you're looking for some good rotisserie chicken this is one of best places on the island to get it from. There's usually in rain on Friday and Saturday evenings but the wait is worth it. Where special sauce is the bomb what has two lovely flavour out of chicken.

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