Rentazoom Car Rentals i Bridgetown

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Queen Victoria Road, BB11075, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-850-2383
Latitude: 13.110034, Longitude: -59.607375
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Kommentar 5

  • Samuel Fields

    Samuel Fields


    This is the best rental service in Barbados

  • Micah Hope

    Micah Hope


    Nice place to rent cars.. Prices are ok... Variety of vehicles

  • jgardiol



    Just great to have a car delivered to the house and picked up without being there. Great service and perfect car for a week, will shure rent again if I'm back in Barbados.

  • Hans Boisen

    Hans Boisen


    First class service from Rentazoom. Very friendly service from Sheila and the company owner Duane himself. Prompt delivery and hasselfree return to the airport. Will def. rent again from Rentazoom.

  • Elisha Rhodes

    Elisha Rhodes


    I recently visited Barbados during the crop over season needed a rental car. Thanks to Rentazoom I was able to secure a rental car, carefree and with no hassle. The reservation process was simple, efficient and fast, I received a confirmation almost immediately after I sent my reservation request. Regardless of the question, someone was always there to assist in a timely manner. When I arrived in Barbados there was little paper work to be completed - since almost everything can be done in advance of arrival. Car drop off and pick up locations were flexible and arranged around my schedule. The car was clean, the air condition worked and both GPS and Car seat were offered at no extra cost. Great Experience from beginning to end!

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