Shades Of Barbados i Saint James

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Layne's Road, Saint James, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1-246
Latitude: 13.1662241, Longitude: -59.635027
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Kommentar 5

  • Gary Osborne

    Gary Osborne


    Beautiful location and a first class service.

  • Derrick Hollingsworth

    Derrick Hollingsworth


    A lovely place ... would recommend it to anyone

  • Kaline castro araujo

    Kaline castro araujo


    Amazing place to stay

  • Sheldon Fletcher

    Sheldon Fletcher


    Came to Barbados for the festival in 2015. Stayed at Shades for a week and a half and my family and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Great accommodations: very cozy space with a swimming pool, party area and exercise room right outside the front door. Two-bedroom apartment was clean, modern and spacious; felt like home right away. The patio made it easy to have breakfast outside and enjoy the weather. Some units on the upper level have huge balconies overlooking the property (next time!) Location, location, location: private and secluded area; only the sounds of nature to add to your relaxation. Very close to the beach, local eateries and the main road into either Bridgetown (historic and charming) or Holetown (awesome shopping and restaurants), where colorful buses can be taken for cheap. Staff: friendly, knowledgeable about Barbados and prompt to answer and questions or address concerns, if any. I cannot say enough about how well we were treated. We felt like celebrities! Overall, come to Shades and enjoy yourself! You will not regret it! I'm already jealous!

  • Johan Olsén

    Johan Olsén


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