Store All i St. Michael

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#12 Pine Commercial, St. Michael, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-429-7428
Latitude: 13.101321, Longitude: -59.575964
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Kommentar 5

  • Russell Hunte

    Russell Hunte


    Great facility. I trust them with my valuables.

  • Joe Gonsalves

    Joe Gonsalves


    Store All has one of the newest self-storage facilities in Barbados. The new compound is impressive. I have been with Store All for a year now. I have found the Service meets all my needs and expectations. Access to the Units and the availability of trolleys and carts makes life very easy. The Staff are always most helpful. You can get all your storage supplies such as boxes, packing/padding, tape, locks and much more right on Site. Communication is great and you never have to worry about forgetting to pay your fees. The place is clean and well maintained. The choice of Units is as good as it gets. Highly recommended. Joe

  • Grace Alleyne

    Grace Alleyne


    Store All has developed a much needed product for Barbados with excellent customer service. Very pleasant employees. Keep up the good service.

  • Adrian Frederick

    Adrian Frederick


    Started this year as a tenant of Store All and it has been very satisfactory thus far. Staff are welcoming, helpful, resourceful and all out amazing. Facilities are secure and well maintained. I have struggled to find something negative and only thing that I can find is probably the location. However, that is a major problem because it is a quick minute after taking the exit to the new Water Authority.

  • sonja welch

    sonja welch


    Store All Barbados has excellent staff who are consistently helpful, positive and knowledgeable about their job. I have had an account with this company since 2005 and have had no complaints. The service that they provide assures safety and also accessibility at the convenience of the customer. Excellent customer service standards! Highly recommended. I hope that they will maintain this standard.

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