The Nidhe Israel Synagogue and Museum i Bridgetown

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Magazine Lane, Bridgetown, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +507 6409-0373
Latitude: 13.0994093, Longitude: -59.6152203
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Kommentar 5

  • Alex Koltsov

    Alex Koltsov


    It made a strong impression on me, and made me think about sad stuff, like how far away persecuted people had to relocate in order to survive. The cemetery is huge and glummy. Museum is small, but by visiting it you really support the entire place. Try to see the old Mikva. It is the oldest structure.

  • Rubertha Blackman

    Rubertha Blackman


    One of the oldest synagogues in the western hemisphere. The ritual mikveh is a must visit the museum has a wealth of information about the early sephardic community. Beautifully maintain by the Barbados National Trust.

  • Michael May

    Michael May


    Beautiful old Synagogue. Very friendly people. Services 7:30PM Fridays, none on Saturdays.

  • Jacob Zwillinger

    Jacob Zwillinger


    Walked by while in Bridgetown. The synagogue had a caretaker inside who let us in (shorts OK) and let us take pictures, no hassle about donating or paying to visit. The cemetery is also open and you can walk among the gravestones. There's a museum on the same plot but it was closed when we came by, even though the synagogue was open.

  • zaid



    The oldest synagogue in the Western Hemisphere The new improvements done to the area really helps this historic land mark stand out in bridgetown They is normally a care taker at the synagogue to show you around the museum is interesting as well but they is a charge to enter Coffee shop and other shops are supposed to open in the near future

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