The Royal Shop Barbados i Bridgetown

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#32 Royal Towers Broad Street Bridgetown St. Michael BB BB19000 Broad Street, Bridgetown, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-429-7072
Latitude: 13.09718, Longitude: -59.616058
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Kommentar 5

  • nicolas gonsalves

    nicolas gonsalves


    Great place to shop. Fantastic deals

  • kevin ochilien

    kevin ochilien


    Bought a watch a month ago took it back the day after I got it because of some issues left the watch there for 2 days only to have to experience the same issues again. I am feeling really unsatisfied at this point any corrispondence on how to proceed would be appreciated. MAY 29th 2018 Hi I would just like to thank the Sales & Marketing team at the Royal especially Simone Ward for addressing my grievance in a speedy and professional manner, for this I give u guys 5 stars, Keep up the good work.

  • Ahkeens Broomes

    Ahkeens Broomes


    Great place to shop. I brought one of my watches from there, I got it at a great price.

  • Rilee Brown

    Rilee Brown


    Would love to find more information about this business but their website redirects to a spam webpage. I’m a bit concerned this isn’t a legitimate business.

  • Kimberly Quintyne

    Kimberly Quintyne


    Beautiful jewelry pieces and the staff is super helpful.

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