The Veterinary Clinic i Oistins

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Graeme Hall Park, Oistins, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1-246
Latitude: 13.0764244, Longitude: -59.5682952
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Kommentar 5

  • Joy Sue

    Joy Sue


    Convenient and professional service!

  • Sedio Gregoire

    Sedio Gregoire


    It was a difficult evening when I took Coco for an emergency check up. They gave sincere, sympathetic advice and made our difficult final decision a little easier. The vets here have always been good to us even at the most inopportune times. I called once on christmas eve with an emergency and they made themselves available. When Coco passed they even sent a small card expressing their sympathies. Your pets are in good hands with The Veterinary Clinic. Highly, highly recommend.

  • yvonne lowe

    yvonne lowe


    Was there my husband and I took our bundle of joy Zica to have her nails cut and to be seen by the vet it wasa wonderful experience.

  • Deena Gilkes

    Deena Gilkes


    Always good service and my pets love the Vets there

  • Elizabeth Wiltshire

    Elizabeth Wiltshire


    The best veterinary services in Barbados. The team is amazing and ensures your fur babies are well taken care of. Wouldn't trade them at all

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