Cave Shepherd Vista Worthing i Worthing

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Worthing Main Road, Worthing, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-629-4887
Latitude: 13.071731, Longitude: -59.582526
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Kommentar 5

  • Kim Francique

    Kim Francique


    When in Barbados this is my go to store. It still smells the same way 35yrs later. Lots of Duty free choices . This is the place to get good quality souvenirs. I always buy my tshirt here. It's like the Macy's of Barbados.

  • Angela Jones

    Angela Jones


    Not a huge shop but has every thing you need at some great prices aswell. Nice staff.

  • Cal Theodore

    Cal Theodore


    Convenient if you live or are staying on the south coast. However it is pricey.

  • Maria Breedy

    Maria Breedy


    Everytime I go there I always find something to purchase even if I'm there to pay my credit card. Always a great experience!!!

  • Melissa Fisher

    Melissa Fisher


    A wide selection of duty free shopping which includes jewellery, fragrances, clothing, beach wear, liquor, souvenirs, and more. Conveniently located along the south coast, but out of Bridgetown. It's walking distance from many hotels and has a gas station/convenience store and also a supermarket located nearby.

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