Cost-U-Less Supermarket i Saint Thomas

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C2, Authur Seat Road, Saint Thomas, BB Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-271-8201
Latitude: 13.1548037, Longitude: -59.6118466
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Kommentar 5

  • Russell Hunte

    Russell Hunte


    Great products, but I can't always come here and find the same things .

  • Chantelle Gittens

    Chantelle Gittens


    Prices are ok on some bulk items but it's still a great place for you so regular supermarket items

  • Winston Tyrell

    Winston Tyrell


    A place where you can buy in bulk at competitive prices to that of a traditional supermarket. It has a small area where u can grab a bite to eat and they have an in house bakery. There is a wide selection of fish and meats, liquor and even food for the health conscious. Parking is limited but they have handicap parking. I would recommend shopping here.

  • Amber Faria

    Amber Faria


    Great place to buy in bulk..... great place to buy a television too..... a new stove.... and all your household needs. Meats, cheeses, milks, rice, ice cream and so much more..... they even have baby pampers in bulk..... boxes and even the wipes..... great from the kids also...... did I mention the alcohol section of the store..... there are wines, rums and so much more ...... it's a really nice place to carry the family.... in a little development that has chefette and Upbeat store, pharmacy and much more.

  • iamvica



    A good bulk shopping location with a good selection of items. If I had one complaint it would be that they had more boxes to packages your items after shopping to take home. The parking area is a little small but if you live close by then it's worth it for the extra monthly shopping for a medium to large family. Prices are not bad in items overall with some decent bulk prices on some more premium items.

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