Massy Stores SuperCentre Warrens i Warrens, Bridgetown

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Warrens, Bridgetown, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1 246-417-5200
Latitude: 13.141919, Longitude: -59.608748
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Kommentar 5

  • Edward Ashby

    Edward Ashby


    Great shopping for most of the popular brands but needs more roaming attendants to assist new visitors to the establishment. Those behnd the desk can get some exercise from time to time.

  • Sa'id Abdul-Rahman

    Sa'id Abdul-Rahman


    Decent supermarket. They've added a mall like feel to it, but all that has done is reduce the space to make the supermarket better. An average experience at best.

  • m forde

    m forde


    Supermarket for all your grocery needs, department store for those who like to enjoy a little glamour, and a gym to keep you fit and ready for the conquer the days ahead

  • Janice Balkwill

    Janice Balkwill


    Great super market for Barbados, but my god nescafe and coffee mate, 50 Barbados dollars a jar,, that's 25 usd or, about 18 quid, for what we pay a fiver back home,

  • Kevin Knight

    Kevin Knight


    As far as the staff are concerned good Friday could move to a Tuesday, they're to do a job. Often work drama plays out in front of customers also if you're inconveniencing a cashier by having too big a note early in their shift you will get a funny attitude.

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