Brownes Beach i Bridgetown

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Brownes Beach, Bridgetown, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1-246
Latitude: 13.0922191, Longitude: -59.6118658
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Kommentar 5

  • Catalin Lupu

    Catalin Lupu


    Beautiful beach positioned centrally not far from the cruise port. A lot of bars and grills around. Interesting was the fact that despite its position in the centre of the town it is busy at all the time with loads of boats and people swimming and snorkelling and even so here can be spotted turtles swimming on the bay like on a virgin beach. Sand and water are great, the only inconvenience is the river which some times is flowing on to the sea through the beach and the water is not the best quality as it contains drainage water.

  • Bernadette Foster

    Bernadette Foster


    It's more a beach for locals I found but enjoyed it very much. Tried Rum Punch at a local Rum shop. Enjoyed conversation with the owner and her guest.

  • Azafran Panadero

    Azafran Panadero


    Beautiful beach very quiet when I've been there in January. Facilities improved over years, just wonder about water quality due to close proximity of river moorings and cruise liner dock. Also the fact horses are washed and swim from this beach.

  • Cutiepai Scarlet

    Cutiepai Scarlet


    It's a beautiful beach with blue shimmering waters. The water is really nice, it will be cold at first but you would get a custom to it.

  • zaid



    The best straight of beach in barbados Don’t even bother going all the way to crane etc This is just the best Snorkeling Scuba diving Water sports Jetsking Towabels Or just for a swim in the crystal clear water And lay on the beach and top up on the tan Beach chairs and umbrellas available all along the beach roughly about 5usd each Also has numerous beach bars and food joints

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