Carlisle Bay BB

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Carlisle Bay, Barbados
Kontakter telefon: +1-246
Latitude: 13.0883304, Longitude: -59.6146575
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Kommentar 5

  • Mark Stephens

    Mark Stephens


    a public long white sand beach with safe swimming and several beachside bars. deckchair/sunshade hire all along it

  • Debra Gilliam

    Debra Gilliam


    Omg loved it looking forward to going back this summer

  • Christina Power

    Christina Power


    Beautiful beach. Silky white sand in and out of the water. Calm water. Stunning, but a very busy beach. Sellers are out in full force here. If you want to stay out of the crowds then walk south from Bridgetown - towards Pebbles beach. Recommended for a day you want to people watch and just chill by the beach all day. A bunch of places to eat along the beach too if you get hungry. A short swim out towards the centre of the bay and you’ll reach a wreck that is just 10 ft below the water. Nothing like you’ll ever see. It’s worth the swim!

  • Natalia S

    Natalia S


    Really nice beach, white sand and blue calm water. Water sports and boat trips available. You might get hassled a bit by jewelry sellers or water sports people but not too much. If you there early you might get better deals on snorkeling or water sports.

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    I experienced The Carlisle Bay during my stay at the Radisson Resort. The long stretch of beach shared by several hotels and other establishment also a public picnic and general areas makes up this great beach. Swimming is the Carlisle Bay was a delightful experience for me and I enjoyed the invitingly warm clear and calm waters. I actually walked on the beach to and from nearby Bridgetown (quicker than taking the roads). The beach is quite popular and I met many beach goers at all times throughout the day. The Carlisle Bay is definitely a great place of interest to visit and enjoy whilst in the Tropical Paradise of Barbados.

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